Time for a new tradition: Movies of the week get their own post from now on. So Bah! (no worries, the art direction assignment is down there too)

First time I watched "Contact" I fell asleep, not because I was tired, but because Jodi Fosters journey to space was like a frickin lullabye for the eyes. Way cool.

Tim Burton's fairy tale about fairy tales is, as all of his movies are, a visual masterpiece, and a great story to boot. Ewan McGreggor's tall tale tellin dad dies, but it turns out, maybe they weren't such tall tales after all.

This adaptation of Homer's Oddessy is set in the dust bowl south. Escaped con's seek a treasure that really doesn't exist. Rich with music, great visual design (the first to be entirely color corrected digitally) laughs and story, this is actually my feel good-er in a week full of feel-gooders.

Please Please Please Please show this in class before you ever let anyone think they can make a movie. If Tombstone is candy for the eyes, this is tequila and wild turkey strained through used coffee filters. Absolute rot-gut. Very little attention to detail, cowboys with earrings, bad color correction, and terrible special features. Exactly what NOT to do.
Oooh. Four. That's a test. I still might show O'Brother... It's worthy of any film class. I haven't seen Big Fish yet (weird - I wanted to in the theater years ago and just haven't gotten around to it yet). I like Contact. Haven't seen Six Reasons Why...in fact I've never heard of it before...maybe that's a good thing.